Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 3 - Delivery Techniques

I have to apologize that there is no video or broke in my bag on the way.

Last night started the same as the other 2 weeks. We gathered in the viewing area for a few minutes of stretching and warming up. After the crack of joints and moan of unwilling muscles we were off to cool our sliders. We got right into practicing out deliveries. Seemed like I lost some the comfort level I had from the week before, but after a few basic refreshers about balance and foot position my confidence returned.

Our instructor, Erin Morrisey, former Jr National player and Western University Skip, lead us through a series of new techniques that focused on shifting our weight when in the hack. She explained that if we could get a comfortable rhythm of "rock back weight back, pause, rock forward weight forward" our deliveries would become more powerful and consistent. I thought I was 'ok' at it til I starting chanting, first aloud (like a few other people around me), then in my head. After a few more practice slides using either a stabilizer or another rock to help with balance, we were challenged to slide with a broom in our non-sliding hand. What a disaster. BRING BACK MY STABILIZER. They did. It's turning into my childhood blankie.

Erin pointed out a couple small issues with the alignment of my sliding foot and rock, but I generally had pretty good technique. It seems that I am hanging the rock a little to the right which forces me to either pitch my upper body more left or lean too much on the rock. balance balance balance and more practice of course.

My new curling buddy, Glenn and I will be meeting this Friday to practice.

Anyone out there know a technique to help straighten me out?


  1. Maybe you could come up with a really neat Curling Song -- and help us all with our technique.

    I find this really helpful Paul, thank you. I am learning the game myself, so its neat to hear about other's experience. Thank you.

  2. great idea. I might do that. Please add your experience too, I would love to hear about it!
