Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Great Final Shot

Such a close call...a draw to the 4 foot for 3 and the WIN! Unfortunately, it was against me. I played with a new team last night against the team I usually with. The smack talk was intense!

It was a close game every end, we traded 2 points back and forth every end...great shots by everyone. I am not sure how the other sheets were, but we had about 6 feet of curl. The rocks really was fun to watch (sometimes frustrating because we missed some easy shots). We had the option of making similar shots to Martin or Bernard...I repeat, we had the option, no always the ability.

I think we are at the point of being able to coach ourselves a little, for example "I know what i did wrong there." As we are progressing though, I think that more help in strategy is needed. Not just strategy from shot to shot, but more so how to set up an end, when to start with high or low guards or when to start an end with putting rocks directly into the house.

On another note, I had the chance to spare in the Wed night cash league, played lead on one of our instructor's team. I felt quit confident until I stepped out on the ice. Then the pressure of not wanting to miss a shot, hearing people call of numbers for draw time measured in tenths of a second. Way to precise and advanced for me. Then I threw my first rock...i was asked to take out a rock in the house. It should have been easy...nope i missed. It was like throwing an air-ball from the foul line. It took me a few ends to gather myself I managed to threw a couple of good stones and we pulled out a victory. I can hardly wait to another chance.

Robyn - for next time, waving your broom around from 110 feet away...I interpreted as takeout, not a guard. If that is what you was a good takeout. Sorry!

Last note: Huge day for Canada....4 medals!!!!!

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