Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Glen's triumphant return

Missing for 6 weeks, Glen made his return and we lumped him into skipping. For the second week in a row it was a emotional struggle, add some communication confusion and my ability to make the shots - it was a recipe for near disaster.

Being able to read the ice - I was a non believer at the onset of my so-called curling career. NOT ANY way is faster than the other, the rock does curl differently depending the line you choose and you have to know when it runs straight. As I am told, only more experience on the ice will make it better. Unfortunately, with so much of my time taken up with work and other stuff, not sure when I can find the time. Maybe I'll try to convince my boss to let me take a couple of days off each week, shouldn't be difficult considering who I work for...not holding my breath!

We were not the poster kids of fast play last night....25 min an end. We struggled to keep play moving only because we (both teams) over thought and over analyzed each shot. Something that I think most of the teams need to work on. We should get faster with time.

Now getting to the action ...there were 2 incidents or plays last night that were extremely noteworthy. First, the Big Fall - not to make fun but to point out the danger this sport posses - Glen was sliding down the sheet to prepare for his shot when I called out his name. When he started to look around to acknowledge me, his feet and head changed positions....feet went up - head went down. I lost my balance laughing...maybe I can make a little fun as it was my first reaction ...then concern.

The second incident involved the greatest cross house double takeout by Rob. Ashley and I can take 2% of the credit for sweeping. It was the "TSN turning point." It was a beautifully poetic motion. We erupted in loud that the other games stopped and took notice. The only think I can compare it to is a great shot by a first time golfer that they talk about for the next year and the one that gets them back on the course. Superb!

Rob did turn to me and told me the secret of making the shot..."keep your eyes closed the entire time."

Ohhhh, I forgot.....we won too! Beers on us.

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